Question: What causes the colour of your eyes to change??

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  1. Hi Chloe, My eyes change from bright blue to grey to green. My Dad’s do too. Eye colour is genetic so that’s why we both have it. I say it changes with my mood or what i’m wearing, but in reality it is all about what’s going on in my eyes.

    Eye color is determined by lots of different genes but it all boils down to how much pigment you have in the front part of your iris at any one time. The genes involved in eye color determine how much pigment gets made, how quickly it is degraded and where in your iris to put it. In other words, eye color is an ongoing process that is not necessarily set in stone. Remember, genes are just recipes for proteins. When eye color genes are on, proteins that make and degrade eye color pigment are made. The amount of pigment in your eye is determined by how strongly these genes are “on”

    There are lots of cases where something in the environment changes the amount of protein that is made by affecting the genes on/off switch. It could in fact be related to my mood as when you are stressed your body releases one set of chemicals. when you are happy they release another and so on. These chemicals could easily be turning the colour genes on and off resulting in my eyes changing colour


  2. Hi chloeisamazing, did you notice any change in your eye color?
    Eye colour change can happen due to the change in the size of your pupil which is controlled by an eye muscle called iris. By expanding and contracting iris changes the pupil size. For instance you might observe your pupil enlarges in dark whereas shrinks in lighter environment. But when the pupil size changes the colour pigments in the iris compress or spread apart, changing the eye colour.
    It is also reported that emotions can change both the pupil size and the iris color. That’s why some people say their eyes change colors when they’re angry or loving.
    For instance I used to have hazel eyes when I was younger now they are very green.

