Question: Roughly how much diseases are there? Which would be the most deadly?

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  1. There are so many diseases and illnesses out there, that I doubt anyone knows the exact number as so many are minor and would never be reported. Most western countries keep records of the more serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, MS etc.

    Cardiovascular disease is the biggest killer in places like Australia and America. Cancer follows closely behind. In third world countries like africa, infectious diseases such as cholera and AIDS kill the most people, as they don’t have access to sanitation like we do, making them exposed to a lot more infectious agents.

    here’s some data from the australian bureau of statistics


  2. I’ll just talk about genetic conditions, since I kind of work on those. It’s been estimated that there are over 4000 diseases which can be causes by changes to your DNA before you are born – you may have heard of Down’s syndrome, colour blindness or haemophilia. There is a big database of them you can access on this website, if you are interested:


  3. To me the most deadly diseases are the ones where we don’t show symptoms until its too late to do much about it. For example ovarian and pancreatic cancers generally become fairly advanced before they are detected. That to me is scary.

    Recently some scientists in Australia believe they have come up with an early detection test for ovarian cancer. This will really help save a lot of people!


  4. World Health Organization lists ~13,000 diseases so there are heaps out there… The most prevalent disease is cancer nowadays but cardiovascular diseases which I’m working on are the deadliest.

