Question: What is the worst superbug? thx you were great in the chat today

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  1. This story hit the new today hot on the hells of this story from Britain last week

    Over the past 60 years, scientists and the pharmaceutical industry has churned out three generations of antibiotics. The first included natural penicillins. These fell by the wayside as bacteria evolved enzymes that broke the drugs apart. The second were synthetic penicillins, modified in the lab to resist the bugs’ enzymes. Bugs gained resistance to these too. The third generation, carbapenems, are modified even more. In 2003, the first microbes arrived in Britain that are immune to them.

    now whilst MRSA kills about 20,000 a year in the US, more than HIV does, it is being kept under control by good hygeine

    The scariest superbug out there right now is a strain of Tuberculosis which is “totally resistant” to every drug we have. TB is particularly resistant anyway, with the best infections taking 6 months on antibiotics, and the worst requiring over a year in hospital.


  2. That is fascinating. I didn’t know we have gone through 3 generations of antibiotics already! What a scary thought!

