Question: what happens if everything goes wrong


  1. I presume you mean in the lab? Things go wrong in experiments all the time. Scientists often joke that if you have 50% of your experiments working, you’re doing well. If an experiment just doesn’t work when you know it should have, you don’t just throw in the towel. You ask around, you read papers, you read websites dedicated to troubleshooting experimental issues, and you try to work out what went wrong, and whether you can fix it. Sometimes, getting an experiment to work for your conditions can take as long as long as all the experiments that do work combined together. But patience is a virtue, and in 9/10 cases you work it out, or find another way to do the experiment that will work for your conditions.


  2. When something goes really badly for me in the lab, I always start off by eating some Nutella! It makes me feel much better, and then I can work hard to figure out exactly what the problem is and how to solve it. I keep a big jar of it in my desk for emergencies 🙂


  3. One of the first things I learnt in science was, ‘If at first you don’t succeed try, try again!’. When things don’t work the first thing I do it back track and see if I made a mistake – this can happen sometimes, most of the liquids I use are clear and if you don’t label them correctly its easy to get mixed up!
    Then I start troubleshooting – what conditions can i change? is there a different experiment that will work better? what have other people done?
    You need to be persistent in science and try, try again!


  4. Thanks for your question jbhiss2000 and sanyam.

    If you mean what happens if everything goes wrong and the world is going to end?



    If you mean if you’re talking about things going wrong in science and in our experiments. Well, as my fellow scientists have said, science is all about persistence. It’s normal for experiments not to work the first time you try it. When things don’t work, I usually start by trying to find if I made a mistake somewhere. If I can rule out human error (a.k.a. me stuffing up), then I’ll try and find things I can change to try and make it work, and definitely look up things other people might’ve done to try and figure things out.


  5. I go home, play PS3 or watch a movie then have a good sleep. Next morning when I go to my office, I prepare a nice morning tea for myself then start troubleshooting which is like playing chess for me.

