Question: Is there any other way to get diseases other than from Genes, stuff around you and Animals?

  1. I want to say no? Genes control how your cells behave, so they cover any genetic or inherited diseases. Genes can also be altered by what we are exposed to such as radiation, poisons, food etc.

    animals can transfer a wide range of infections to humans, and bacterial and viral infections can come from many sources in our environment.


  2. You could get sick from something like heavy metal poisoning, or high radiation exposure. But I guess both of those fall under ‘stuff around you’.


  3. Sometimes people get sick if they are really stressed. Being stressed reduces our immune systems ability to defend us from infection. Illnesses like depression and anxiety can come from our experiences and how they make us feel. If really severe it can change your brain chemistry and medication is needed.

    But I guess you could say this comes from stuff around you as well.


  4. The main causes of diseases can be investigated under 3 categories: injury, toxicity and deficiency. Example for injury can be unhealthy foods which might cause our cells to undergo mutations that might turn into cancer. Toxicity is often caused by infectious microorganism like bacteria Deficiency might insufficient nutrition or insufficient exposure to sunlight, interestingly deficiency of love and attention might be major cause of many neurological disorders.

