Question: With cells is it true when you say a sentence 10 000 or more cells die in your body?

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  1. i dont know how many cells the entire body makes per second, because some have a slower turnover, but i think your number is a bit on the low side. every second, the bone marrow makes 2 MILLION red blood cells, and thus the same number are dying in that second.


  2. Hi tasha109, there are ~1 billion cells for every tissue gram in weight, so that’s 60 trillion if you weigh ~60 kgs. However not all type of cells have the same life span; some live only for a few hours and some for few days…
    For instance sperm cells can live about 2-3 Days whereas bone cells can live for 25-30 Years. While natural cell deaths are occurring our body keeps replacing dead cells. Overall, you are losing about 1 million cells every second. I have already lost ~180 millions of cells while I’m writing all these to you but our body is amazing, it possibly created much more cells than I lost in couple of minutes. It is very difficult to give the exact numbers as it depends on many factors and varies from person to person but on average we are replacing all body cells in every 7 years.


  3. Just to add a little to how quickly some cells turn over…

    The cells I’m currently working with are skin cells. The outer layer of our skin is called the epidermis. At the bottom of the epidermis is a membrane and the skin cells attached to the membrane are capable for dividing over and over and over again. As they constantly make new cells we are constantly losing cells from the outside of the epidermis. It takes about 14 days for cells to travel from the membrane to the outside of the epidermis. So skin can entirely replace itself in about 2 weeks!

