Question: Is it true that when a mosquito lands in you and you pinch the nearest vein that the mosquito will explode

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  1. I believe this is a bit of a science myth (much like the panadol and exploding seagulls one). The only evidence i can find is that flexing your muscle or making the skin taught around where a mozzie is can make it get “stuck” for a while, but it eventually gets free. I even watched a few youtube vidoes to be sure, and no exploding mozzies (not linked to because of bad lanugage)


  2. No this is not true. Just one of these urban legends. When people listen the science behind the mosquito bites, someone with a fantastic imagination should have come up with this story because it actually makes kind of sense when you imagine what’s happening when a mozzie bites you but NO this is not true. It is one of those experiments which you can try and find out! I’d be surprised if a mozzie explodes… Mozzies are quite tough insects.


  3. I’d not heard of this before! Good thing Miranda and Yagiz got to this question first, interesting myth!

