Question: if water never was invented would we be deed

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  1. water was not invented by anyone, it just luckily exists. Without water on earth life could not be supported, no


  2. Did you know, there is no solid evidence for how water got into Earth. Scientists don’t know for sure. The most accepted theory suggests that shortly after the formation of Earth, thousands of asteroids and comets saturated in water hit into the Earth releasing their water to fill our giant crates which is called oceans now. The other theories suggest when the Earth is cool down to a temperature the all the volatile components in atmosphere started to rain down and made the oceans.
    Currently all the life forms in the world are water-based hence there wouldn’t be a life as we know it without water. Having said that there are super tough organisms like tartigrades which can live without water for more than 100 years by taking a hybernation form.


  3. Did you know our bodies are about 70% water! We would almost not exist without it!

