Question: Do mozzies give malaria and why does it itch? Is it the stuff they put to make it keep bleeding?

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  1. the Malaria parasites, the most common of which is called plasmodium falciparum are infected by malaria parasites. The parasite breeds in the mosquitos. The female mosquitos need to feed on blood for their eggs (the males eat flower nectar), so when they bite you to feed on you, they inject inject saliva into you. This saliva serves as an anticoagulant which makes sure the blood doesnt clot and keeps flowing so they can eat their fill. The malaria parastie transfers to humans during this.

    Now your immune system realizes something is going on, and histamine is produced to combat the foreign substance ie the mosquitos saliva. The histamine reaches the area under attack, causing blood vessels there to swell. But what about the itching? When the blood vessels expand, nerves in the area become irritated by the swelling. You feel this irritation as an itchy sensation.


  2. Itching is not one of the symptoms commonly associated with malaria, (muscle aches and pains are the common symptoms).
    You are right in a way, but itching happens not because of the saliva of mozzies (which is the stuff that makes it keep bleeding) instead histamine which is secreted by your immune system as a response to mozzie saliva cause the itchy feeling.

