Question: if we didn't have scientists how do think society would cope ?

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  1. A study showed that for each 1 dollar invested in medical research Australia gained $5 back. this didnt mean every research project resulted in new drugs. one way we benefit financially from research is that overall, medical research leads to more cures for chronic diseases where people would need regular treatment which costs the government less money than it would without it. I imagine the number is similar for other areas of science too. for example CSIRO invented Wifi! That’s right, Aussies invented wifi. They own the patent, so every phone, every computer, every tablet that can use wifi must have paid CSIRO a certain amount of money for their discovery as they own the patent.

    This means that without science, the government would probably not have enough money to spend on other things like new schools, or people would not be able to get as many medicines subsidized by the pharmaceutical benefits scheme.

    I bet my fellow scientists can think of other ways science benefits society?


  2. There would be a lot less we know thats for sure! I think its in people’s nature to be curious and thats really what drives a lot of people to science. They are interested in the world and how it works. They put their ideas out there and see how much of what they come up with is the same as whats in the world.

    Perhaps without science we would believe there is a lot more magic in the world. When we don’t understand things and they are a mystery its easy to think that magic may be involved. Arthur C. Clark said “Magic is just science we don’t understand yet” (any marvel fans out there will know this was quoted in Thor!). and perhaps this could change they way socitey thinks or what we believe in. Who knows.

    I certainly know I’m glad we are able to be curious and enjoy what science can offer!

