Question: What is the most common disease that is contracted by both women and men?

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  1. I presume by contracted you mean diseases which you can “catch”. In australia, the most common communicable disease in 2010 was sexually transmitted diseases which is really sad because we have access to very cheap easy prevention methods here in Australia. Chlamydia had 74,000 infections in 2010 compared with 59,000 cases of the flu when swine flu was at it’s peak in 2009 (was only 13,000 cases in 2010) the next most common was Whooping cough at 34,000 cases, again a mostly preventable disease with vaccination.

    I don’t know about the male/female breakdown, but i do recall from my summer scholarship in the infectious diseases laboratory at IMVS that there tended to be more female case of chlamydia than male.


  2. I think sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are the most common one. HIV is one example.



  1. Thankyou Miranda 🙂
