Question: what does DAN and RNA stand for

Keywords: ,

  1. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is in all the cells of your body, and contains your genes. It’s the instruction manual for your body on how to work, and grow. Your DNA is totally unique to you!

    RNA stands for ribonucleic acid. It is very similar in structure to DNA, which is why their names are similar. RNA is a copy of DNA – usually produced one gene at a time, like a photocopy that the cell can use for a while before it is degraded. Copying the intructions from the DNA prevents the DNA from being damaged, the same way photocopying a book means many people can use it without hurting the book.

    If my explanation isn’t clear enough, please let me know and I’ll try again 🙂


  2. I think Katelin has answered this one pretty well. Just to add to her explaination on DNA, we also have the instructions for the ON and OFF switches for our genes in our DNA too! (This is what I work on). The part of our DNA that contains our genes only makes up about 3% of the total DNA we have. For a long time the rest of our DNA was just thought of as ‘junk’, but we are slowing discovering what more of our DNA does.


  3. DNA and RNA stand for DeoxyriboNucleic Acid and RiboNucleic Acid respectively. DNA is the blueprint of life while RNA is the messenger which takes the message from DNA and use it to build proteins.

