Question: is global warming real


  1. I think the scientific data we have on this says that without a doubt, global warming is real. As a scientist, I believe in evidence, and right now that’s what the evidence says.


  2. Thanks for the question toni14 and alek.

    I believe that global warming (or climate change) is definitely real.

    Small changes in the earth’s temperature are normal, but measurements by scientists have found the temperature to have increased a lot since the industrial revolution. Also, glaciers and Arctic and Antarctic sea ice continue to melt causing sea levels to rise (“Chasing Ice” is a good documentary on this topic). Many island nations in the Pacific such as the Maldives will be gone in the future if sea levels continue to rise.

    Global warming can be caused by a number of things. One of the biggest problems is increased amounts of Greenhouse gases. The main greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere are water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. The gas that is causing the biggest problem is Carbon Dioxide. Use of fossil fuels (e.g. oil, coal etc…) results in increased CO2 emissions, which is a major contributing factor to global warming. Another problem is the loss of the earth’s trees through deforestation. Almost 20% of the Amazon rainforest is already lost! Not only are we losing biodiversity, but the loss of trees has an impact on the earth’s atmosphere as well. In Australia, I’m sure you are aware of the “hole” in the ozone layer leading to increased UV levels. The loss of ozone is due to chemicals in the atmosphere (again due to humans).

    There’s a lot more evidence out there, but I’ll leave it here for now.

    Basically, I think that if we don’t cut back on emissions and reduce our impact (or ‘footprint’) on the earth, we could be living on a very different earth in a few decades, and movies like “The Day After Tomorrow” or “Waterworld” may not be so far fetched after all.

    Demand clean energy!


  3. I believe so. I don’t know much about environmental science, but I know that what we do to our environments will have some kind of effect, big or small. It’s hard to imagine that the big industrial factories all around the world aren’t having an effect.

    Whether or not global warming is real can be confusing for people because the change is not always visible to them. I don’t feel the temperature in my surburb has changed very much, but that doesn’t mean its not happening elsewhere.

    There is also some confusion about what is ‘clean energy’. Wind farms have been one source of ‘clean energy’, but now some people are claiming they can be the cause of some health problems. This is definitely an area which needs some more research.


  4. It is for real, mate. Scientists don’t discuss whether it is real or not these but they discuss what measures we have to take to slow it down.

