Question: what would you feel like if you had not had food or drink for a week

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  1. If you didn’t eat or drink anything for a week you would be dead.

    Humans can’t last more than a few days without water. Our bodies are made up of 70% water, and we lose 2-2.5 litres per day. Without replacing the water that is lost, humans become dehyrated and can feel tired, confused, dizzy and will eventually die.

    Humans can last a little bit longer without having food (approx 3 weeks I think). How long a person can survive without eating depends on their bodies. If it’s a very skinny person, then they won’t survive very long as the body will begin taking nutrients from fat stores and break down bones to try and survive, but a fatter person could survive for longer as the body would have more stores of energy to break down.

    Luckily we live in a society where food and drink are readily available. But if you get lost in the bush, make sure you’re up to speed with Bear’s latest survival tips 😉


  2. As cindy said, the general rule of thumb is a few days without water and you will die. But this number is calculated based on you being exposed to certain temperatures. If you were somewhere cool and moist you could survive longer, but not without serious complications afterwards with your kidneys particularly suffering. many people have been rescued after a week without water, and the guiness book of records says the longest is 18 days.

    some of the symptoms these people would have experienced include: constant itchy skin, halucinations, and the swelling/ cracking of the tongue, no sweating, shrivelled looking skin, rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, no tears when crying, and a fever.


  3. In the news recently there was a story about a backpacker who got lost (I think in QLD) and had no food or water. He was stuck in 40 degree temps. He was very lucky to survive and he did it by drinking his own urine. Pretty gross! But when your lost and the alternative would have been death. By drinking his own urine he was able to replenish some of the fluids he lost. Very lucky and it does show how much we need water.

