Question: how badly damaged can the lung/heart be and still work?

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  1. Hi shelby, the answer really depends on the definition of “heart or lung damage” but let me try to answer this question in a broad sense. Both your heart and lungs are made of tissues which are made of cells. Each cell has an important role in the functioning of the organ. If we are talking about a physical damage (such as having a traffic accident or getting shot by a bullet), it would be hard to expect heart or lungs to function properly if they get a direct impact. However, there are other types of damages which your heart might get exposed. For instance, coronary artery diseases are one example. If you eat excess amount of foods that are rich in fat, you might expect a gradual buildup of fatty deposits in your arteries circling your heart (this process is known as atherosclerosis – very common in developed countries). You know, the major role of heart is to pump fresh blood to your body which is rich in oxygen and nutrients. When these fat deposits grow large enough to restrict or block the blood flow from heart, then you can get all sorts of different disorders. This is extremely bad for your heart. When this happens the blood which cannot pass through the blocked vein is transferred to other arteries circling your heart so you keep living. You must have heard the operation known as “by-pass”. This means when you suffer from coronary heart diseases, the doctors literally take a less important vein from another part of your body (usually legs) and attach it between your heart and main artery to create a by-pass vein so that blood skips the blocked vein but instead flow through the new vein. So your heart keeps beating….

