Question: i read your profile(there is really interesting stuff in there) and i tried to summarise what your study is, is your study bacteria or cancer?

  1. Hi April7. I currently get paid to study bacteria, but before i started this job a couple of years ago i worked on breast, prostate and ovarian cancer, so i still collaborate with my old lab and write papers with them. I also still review papers on cancer research for journals, as nothing gets published that hasn’t been read through by another expert.


  2. Hi april7, my work is really all about on and off switches for genes. At the moment we know the gene I’m looking at is important in cancer and allergy. But the type of experiments I’m doing is applicable to looking an any on or off switch. Also the gene i’m looking at my be important for other diseases and we haven’t realised it yet.


  3. April7, it is great to hear that you took time to read and understand our research. Thank you for your passion and interest. I couldn’t be happier.
    I am working on cardiovascular diseases. They are No.1 cause of death worldwide. The reason we can’t develop an effective treatment is because we don’t understand them. We try to suppress final effects of cardiovascular diseases which don’t help much. Therefore I want to understand the underlying mechanism of cardiovascular diseases. In order to do so, I am developing an approach. Because everything but everything happening in your body is linked to the brain at some point. I want to understand the basis of cardiovascular diseases from neural point of view. The problem is we have no idea which nerve cells play what role in disease manifestation (not only in cardiovascular diseases but also in many other diseases). Working with nerve cells is difficult because they die very quickly. Therefore I use a cancer cell which mimics the nerve cells (cancer cell lines are immortal). I selectively destroy only one type of nerve cell in the brain and observe what happens in the absence of it. Do we develop a cardiovascular disease, if so how?
    I use bacteria as a host to create novel genes in them. I am not working with bacteria to find a treatment to bacterial infections….

