Question: is it possible to sneeze with your eyes open?


  1. yes it is! Whilst most people do sneeze with their eyes shut, some people don’t, but the question is why?

    You might think the eyes close as a defensive mechanism — to keep all those projectile germs and bacteria out of the eye. But that’s unlikely to be the case since the force of a sneeze sends the particulates away from the face, not toward it.

    The more likely reason that eyes close during a sneeze is for no reason. It’s just an involuntary reaction with no real purpose. The eyes may close during a sneeze for the same reason your leg kicks out when your knee is tapped. It’s not just the muscles in your eyelids that react during a sneeze.

    so at the moment, all we have are theories and no concrete answer for why we shut our eyes when we sneeze, but we do know, your eyeballs wont go popping out if you DO sneeze with your eyes open


  2. I was told ever since primary school that if I try to keep my eyes open while I’m sneezing my eyes would pop out… It turned out to be another urban myth which was busted by mythbusters. I saw the guy in mythbusters held his eyes open while sneezing which was filmed in slow motion and his eyes didn’t come out of course.
    When you think about it from a scientific point of view, our eyes are perfectly secure in our eyeballs and there is no direct connection between our eyes and nose. Moreover there is no muscle behind our eyes which can push them out of the eyeball. Therefore even the pressure from the most powerful sneeze can’t pop our eyes out. Then why do we close our eyes? It is just a reflex!


  3. I was told that my eyes would pop out if I sneezed with them open the same as Yagiz!
    I didn’t realize we could open them while sneezing until I read Miranda’s and Yagiz answers. Seems like mythbusters also busted the myth about how fast we sneeze too! Check out there website

