Question: how many nerve cells are in your body?

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  1. scientists estimate there are 1,000 billion nerve cells in our body. i’m more curious how they worked that out. I bet nobody sat there with a microscope counting that high!


  2. Hey paris4, until 2009 scientist always kept estimating numbers of nerve cells in human brain. Whenever someone asked this question, they were told “oh it is about ~100 billion”.
    Then a researcher from Brazil named Dr Suzana Herculano-Houzel got curious and tried to find out where the hell that number came from and she made a great discovery: she discovered that no one in the field could actually remember where the 100 billion figure had come from 🙂 … That doesn’t mean scientists are liars, though.
    So she decided to develop a way to count the neurons in whole nervous system. And she achieve it. She describes her method as “making a brain soup” then counting the cells in her brain soup. Well I’ll cut the crap about the method and come back to your question.
    We have 84 billion nerve cells altogether in our body.

