Question: Why did you bother spending 10 or so years just to get to where you are today? And was it worth the time?why?

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  1. 10 years at uni seems like a long time doesn’t it? It’s amazing how fast it went by, and now i work there! I did 3 years of undergrad, a year of honours, a year finishing my diploma, then 3 years on a PhD to get to being able to be called Doctor officially. Learning all about how parts of our bodies work was exciting and fun, so it wasn’t much bother at all, and whilst i did my diploma, i worked part time in the lab, so i was earning some money, and when you do a PhD you get about $25,000 a year for your scholarship, so it is not like i wasnt earning any money at all for those 10 years. the thing to realise is that a PhD is like an apprenticeship (except they actually get paid less from what i understand) where you are reliant on experts to teach you so that when you finish in 3-5 years, you will be the expert and get a job and train others.

    I don’t think it was a waste of time at all, I made some good friends at uni, and i know so much more than if i had just done a degree. PhDs arent just about teaching people how to DO the experiments, it’s about training them to be able to know what experiments they should do next to answer their questions.


  2. It has most definitely been worth the time! I love what I do! Even tho I am still completing my post graduate studies and still getting training, I am still doing what I will be doing when I’m working as a scientist. I’m coming up with questions, doing experiments and analysing my results. I would be going through the same process in the lab if I was doing a job.

    It does take a long time and a lot of training to be a scientist and you begin working on your own research questions, but I would much rather take the time to be doing something I love, than to work in a field which doesn’t take as long to get to but I didn’t love what I was doing. I think it would be hard having to go to work everyday for long hours for something I wasn’t enjoying.


  3. Kirranicole14, to simply put I am so passionate about science. Without science this world doesn’t make any sense.
    There are 3 types of people that you’ll mostly see in our world. To give an example, when you ask why is the sky blue?
    Some will tell “who cares, it is blue and beautiful, what difference does it make when you learn why”, some will tell you “there is holy-being who created everything including sky and earth” and some will say “A clear cloudless day-time sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they scatter other light”. Out of these, only 3rd scenario intellectually satisfies me. It is how science works. You first ask a question then if it is necessary you dedicate your life to find an answer. Here I’m telling with no regret that each and every second that I spend to was worth to find the answer. If I had 1000years I wouldn’t think twice to dedicate it to science. 1000years… What a chance to learn more!

