Question: What does Epigenetics mean?


  1. Hi scientistsophie! Thats for the great question! In a sentence, Epigenetics refers to all the modifications to DNA without changing the under lying sequence.

    In our cells, DNA does not exist on its own, its wrapped up in proteins. The chemical modifications to DNA and the proteins its wrapped around have a large effect how the DNA’s function. Some of the modifications compact and wrap up our DNA really tightly to turn genes off. Other modifications open up the DNA and allow the genes to be active. So in a way, our DNA is the blueprint with all the instructions on how to make the molecules needed by our cells and the epigenetic modifications give the go and stop instructions on when these molecules need to be produced.

    What is really cool about studying epigenetics is that it can change as we develop and with our experiences. For example, think about identical twins. When they are born they are completely identical. They have inherited exactly the same genetics and epigenetics from their parents. However, as they grow, things like diet and lifestyle will change some of their epigenetics. So while they are still genetically identically, their epigenetics is not.

